Meeting Minutes 8-2-2016

(Meeting for July was cancelled due to Dundalk fireworks rescheduling)

Community Association meeting August 2nd 2016.

Meeting started at 7:01 PM with the pledge.

Operation sasquach is making his mark with code enforcement.

We got our rat abatement.

We need a new vice president now that Dave is president.

Dons dumpsters through friend looking into dumpster day.

William Galiazzo had to 4 way bypass we should send him a card We need the info for the hospital.

We want to start a community walk group at 7 PM Thursday nights.

Katie Bennett volunteered to be our new vice president. Yay!

We need to get donations from local businesses and I need to talk to the Dundalk Eagle about our meetings being posted in the paper.

We’re doing a fall community yardsale in October. Date to be determined.

Our next meeting will be September 6th at 7 pm at 428 Westham Way (the new Dundalk Police Station)

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.