Meeting Minutes 4/2/19

Meeting starts at 7 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance.

Sheila has no report.

Barry reports that code enforcement is supposed to sweep our area in regards to rat holes.

Need fliers on how to tend to rats, for houses that have rat holes.

Last months minutes were approved.

Pat said she called the county about the mud and clumps that they left when they did the road re-pavement.

Kathy states that the state highway administration recommends that they raise the intersection at the three-way Rita road, and Rita place.

officer Wakefield gives his report from March 5th to April 3rd. there were 244 calls to service, 43 reports, 0 overdoses,3 narcotics. there was a call for Holabird with two eighth-graders who had pot in the bathroom a 7th grader had two bags of pot on his person. one Grand theft Auto, 2 theft from vehicle, one miscellaneous theft, 2 first-degree burglary, one homicide at 1700 Brookview, 26 traffic violations, 3 parking citations, 63 checks of property, and one DUI.

we’re trying to get the turn at IHOP to be a no left turn we have to call traffic and engineering. The empty lot next to giant there are rumors that it’s either going to be a storage facility or a Target. the clay hills trail there’s a lot of homeless people and they’re leaving a lot of trash behind.

COP signs still need to be hung they can only be hung on certain polls officer Wakefield told us which ones they can be hung on. we’d like to add no soliciting to those community signs.

The tire place on Delvale and Holabird they have a donation box in the parking lot it keeps spilling over and people keep leaving all of their stuff laying in the parking lot. Seems to be a trend wherever the donation boxes are.

Meeting ends at 8:05 p.m.

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.