Meeting Minutes 11/5/19

Meeting starts at 7:03 p.m. With the pledge of allegiance. 

Guest speaker April Patterson from Civic works starts. They are located in East Baltimore on brehm’s Lane its a non-profit company on a mission to provide community service, job placement, and job training.

1-energy conservation lowers bills

2-staying comfortable inside your home


For solar you are assigned an energy advisor to explain and walk through the process they measure air leaks with a blower door test. And give an energy assessment to determine what is needed for your home to be energy efficient. For solar it is a 4-week permit process two to three days to install and then a week to get permission to operate.

You’ll receive 14 LED bulbs, shower heads, kitchen aerator and power strips. To qualify for free it goes by income, and household size. 

1 member must make under $52,850

2 members must make under $60,400

3 members must make under $67,050

4 members must make under $75,500

5 members must make under $81,550

6 members must make under $87,600

7 members must make under $93,650

8 members must make under $99,700

Program is for renters and home owners. Renters would need a signed document from their landlord granting permission.

Free weatherization program they will ask you a bunch of questions, schedule an energy assessment which will be about 3 hours long, you’ll get a report of your home, and if you want to go through with the program then you’ll schedule an appointment it takes two days to finish this report.

Officer Wakefield reports the dates between September 30th and November 4th.

442 calls to service, 90 reportable offenses, 2 destruction of property, 1 overdose, 8 narcotics, 1 Grand theft Auto, 5 theft from Auto, 4 miscellaneous thefts, 2 first degree burglary, 3 second degree burglary, 2 fourth degree burglary, and one robbery.

Cars and sheds crime is up be sure to keep your areas well-lit to deter crime. 

71 traffic stops, 132 checks of location, 8 parking complaints, and 2 abandoned autos. 

Report it protect yourself and your neighbors the more you report the safer they can make our area if they don’t know what’s going on, then they cannot help.

Vice President Sheila was sick

Community safety officer Barry was sick

Treasurer Kathy reports $1924.94 in bank

Weis gas station had a meeting at the library in 2017 but started building without putting signs up stating that they would be building on the site. need to contact traffic and engineering at Holabird and Delvale about that light getting turn lights installed. Maybe we can contact Buzz Beeler at the post to shine a light on the danger of that intersection.

Insurance from State farm would be $325 a year which will cover everything we need for events.

Clean up… The dumpsters… The new gun shop on Holabird avenue volunteered to host our cleanup and said that we could place dumpsters and they would man them if we choose to do so.

Open floor there’s talk about rats a certain neighbor has a lot of rats going in and out of her yard. There’s a pilot program that was started with 10 communities it’s now up to 23 communities and it’s based on calls to the county. They won’t offer us the program until the number of residents calling meets their expectations.

Meeting ends at 8:05 p.m.

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.