Meeting Minutes 6/6/2017

Meeting starts @6:58pm with the pledge of allegiance

Officer Addair is in training program so David Rader gave crime stats on her behalf

Todd crandel office is looking into who owns the property on Lund lane.

Medical facility on Merritt blvd. (next to Denny’s) Needs to maintain its grass in the fenced in marsh area. Lots of rodent activity living in there.

Kathy stockman gives the treasurers report.

Barry had no report to give. Said that Baltimore county was moving on calls, and sweep is coming soon.

Buzzy thanks all for making the meeting.

Yard sale was a bust. ( both days rained out)

Dumpster day 10-1 June 24th found a company went with M.A.S. Paid 300 for dumpster and waived dumping fee for 2 vehicles. Buzzy volunteered to scrap metal and donate funds to association!!

Planning a fundraiser at the Texas roadhouse 7-12-17 from 4-10pm must bring flier.

Next month * July no meeting we will meet August 1st for national night out behind Herman’s bakery from 7-8 pm. Bring your own chairs!!!

Next meeting is September 5th

We will try to get developers (of the project behind dennys) to come to our September meeting with blueprints to answer some community questions.

Meeting ends 7:55pm

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.