Meeting Minutes 12/14/18

Meeting starts with the pledge of allegiance at 7 p.m.

Officer Wakefield our new outreach officer! a 10-year at Dundalk, four-year midnight shift, aware of crime, and familiar with the streets. He gives his report, from November 6th through December 4th there are 447 calls to service 75 reports.

Officer Wakefield also recommended that if you’re selling things online you should meet at the police station parking lot for meet up, or in a public location.

Sheila yancura VP talked about the litter on holabird avenue.

Kathleen Sladics reported $1207 in Treasury.

Barry Sayer said there are houses with mud dirt and gravel in the yard (and trash) talking to Baltimore county about that Ives and Westfield alley.

Talk of a certain neighbor who intentionally sweeps his leaves in front of our neighbors house and there is a dumpster at salvos that was moved to the other side of the property.

Merritt boulevard and Westfield road has a new traffic pattern and there’s word that our streets are going to be repaved shortly.

The North point government center stalled sounds like something will happen there’s a push to be part of conservation not letting them sneak things through. Radio tower needs to be rebuilt and there’s word going around that Tradepoint Atlantic wants to foot the bill and take over the property in some kind of a deal.

There’s a new five guys next to Ollie’s.

John melzer said the back River restoration crew is working now.

There’s a vote for the officers positions it was unanimous that the people in the officers positions remained there.

Reminder dues by February 2019.

Meeting ends at 7:50 p.m.

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.