Meeting Minutes 2/6/2018

Meeting starts at 7 PM with the Pledge of allegiance.

Officer Addair gives her report.

Quest diagnostics has no lights on. salvos has no lights on still. Finding used condoms in the alley.

Lund Lane.. trucks are coming through still we need signs that say no through trucks. A truck comes 4:30 AM once a week at Salvos and leaves the motor running while he’s delivering goods to the Auto store.

We are introduced to Captain Wiedeck. He Started working in 1989 in Old Dundalk he worked for 7 years, He became detective, narcotics unit, corporal, drug unit, Sargent, crimes Against Children, Auto Theft, Lieutenant Captain, Homicide, CIBD person, and now captain here! Lives in Harford county.

He stresses that the people in our community should not warm up their cars. With all the car thefts in the area its an easy target!!
And recommended that all residents with video cameras add their cameras to the police data base. If you don’t have regular cameras you can always get deer cameras they are cheap and effective.

Bob long came to our meeting and said that he would like to make you aware of the crime and gun laws. He’s working on bills. They’re working on tax reform. The Grange Elementary School parking issues he said he would bring it up with Todd Crandell. It was also mentioned that Merritt Boulevard and Westfield Road is a high accident spot.

Barry reports about the Rat Eradication. He says that code enforcement is not taking his complaints. He’s having to go behind the scenes to get things done.

No soliciting: We need a volunteer to call Dun Lee apartments for permission to post no soliciting signs for our community.

A letter was read aloud from the attorney general about the EPA, Department of public works, headache for the dumping of raw sewage on Lund Lane and Searles Road. It basically stated that they did not have permission to dump there.

Dave Rader called the Baltimore County Department of Transportation about the traffic light sensors at Searles Road and Holabird Avenue and asked to have them reassessed.

Local PUD’s are not bringing our community any benefits whatsoever. No one is reaching out to inform our community of PUD’ s. By law if there are any zoning changes Then the developers are supposed to provide a public benefit. An email was sent to the developers about 2 weeks ago and we have had no response. A large portion of our association has no access to a playground within walking distance.

Sparrows Point Country Club housing petition: No community benefit. They are selling property to keep bills paid. The deed says they can develop the land but they cannot sell it. A traffic study was done and it stated that our community was not going to be affected by the development’s added traffic. Everybody already knows that that road is a very busy road. It is one of the main hubs through Dundalk. Todd’s inheritance was promised plumbing from the developers of the Sparrows Point Country Club.

Mary Lambert volunteered to go to court with Dave to oppose the Sparrows Point Country Club PUD.

John Melzer stated to the captain that if people are dumping (littering)
they could bring it to his attention and he would go and clear the area.

Meeting ends at 8:16 PM.

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.