Meeting Minutes 12-6-2016

Attendance taken
Call to order at 6:59 PM
Pledge of allegiance

We have new officers.
The new treasurer is Kathy Stockman.
The new vice president is Sheila Yancura.

We went for community will with the local police in our community. They said a neighborhood looks good but could use more lighting. More light can help with crime deterrence. Dear cameras can be found relatively inexpensive and Dick sporting goods.

Crime statistics were relayed.

The Dumpster day and community cleanup day will be in June of 2017. The exact date is to be announced.

UPS was delivering in alleys. They were driving really fast and almost hit somebody.

The American flag was not flying at the local post office.

August 1 is the national laid out in 2017. We will be participating on that day.

A BGE or utility pole was tagged for replacement but has not been replaced.

A neighbor recommended that we use websites to look up sex offenders, because there are some living within our community. This link is provided by Maryland.

Rat Abatement coming up. Code sweep soon.

Dumpsters at Herman’s have been improved over the years, but still need significant improvement.

2 thoughts on “Meeting Minutes 12-6-2016

  1. Shirley Hewitt

    I used to attend the meetings years ago, but the association was disbanded. I wasn’t aware until I saw something in the Eagle about the New NHCA. I would be interested in being a member again. How do I find out when the next meetings are being held and where and when? Thanks.

    1. davidraderii Post author

      Hi Shirley,

      Normally we have meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. This coming February we will have a by-month due to the expected cold weather. Please come to our next meeting on March 7th at the new precinct 12 police station. The address is 428 Westham Way (Old Eastwood Elementary just off of Eastern Ave.)

      Thank you for your interest and we’ll be happy to have you there!

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.