Meeting Minutes 10/3/2017

Meeting starts at 7pm with the pledge of allegiance.

* Officer Addair gives her report including info on police academy program for citizens training.

*speeding is increasing in alleyways.

Councilman, Mr. Crandell will talk to Salvos about the lighting being out in the alley behind their store.

Treasurer’s report 200$ donated to go to hurricane relief

Barry asked about the stop sign being put back where it belongs on the corner of Westfield Rd. and Searle Rd.

Mr. Crandell said traffic and engineering should do a study of the area to assess the traffic issues.

Manor rd & Westfield storm drain has a giant hole in the concrete.

It was mentioned that on Holabird and wise trucking has increased so traffic study was done. Mr. Crandell said that the trucks are coming down these roads to avoid tolls they are looking into moving the toll plaza closer to the foot bridge to let trucks turn around without having to pay tolls.

*7 new association in Dundalk

For the rat problem go to Towson and voice opinions send state delegates letters from community associations or testify in front of council on any topic you want . Advocate for your community in Towson 6pm every other Monday 3 minute time limit so go prepared.

Annapolis is different you can only speak about the topics they choose to put on agenda. Work sessions on Tuesday after 2.

New business:
Merritt station paved roads by SunTrust and giant and big lots.
Senator Salling is going to be at our next meeting.

Todd crandell is optimistic about the future of dundalk and the investments happening in our community.

Dundalk has  problems with infrastructure rodents and drugs!

There are safe zones in Anne Arundel County at police stations and fire stations to get help. Baltimore County is taking baby steps into making a program to help. We have poor  citizenship and lots of trash.

Refurbished houses in the area economy improved commercial redevelopment finally on cusp. Home values should be coming up.

The government center.. legally the County sold it to a developer. Deed says state board of public works can approve or disapprove sale of property. Was challenged because the state put money into that property. the fields. Judge ruled board has authority its up to the judge and board if the property will be sold. Not currently in the agenda. It’s up to Governor Hogan to decide. Prediction If the judge denies the developer sues if the judge approves the community will sue. Reason being is that it was all done behind closed doors No one knows why it was an option. RFP came out 2 companies responded one was chosen. Sale was legislated for development. Then the community was notified. To redo the government center $18 Million the state concurred on assessment. Still just up in the air.

Police have unfunded positions in Baltimore County it’s the busiest Department County wide.

Hole and leak and falling retaining wall at Dunlea apartments, owner was notified

8:11 pm meeting ended.

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.