Meeting Minutes 11/7/2017

Meeting starts at 7 PM with the Pledge of allegiance.

Senator Johnny Salling has joined us for this meeting.

There are parking issues on manor Road.

On Westfield Road there’s oil and gas leaking from a car.

On Searles road and Lund lane a manhole was used to dump sludge.

BGE took out the old phone poles on sales road on Sunday.

The manor road and Westfield Road Hole is still there so senator salling will look into it.
The no soliciting community. Have to have a sign every entrance of the community, and need it to be approved with property owners. If we had a no soliciting community The people soliciting would need a permit or be charged with trespassing.

Salvos emailed and said they would install lights within the next few weeks.
Baltimore County code enforcement spoke to Barry about blowing grass clippings into the streets they will be issuing citations for $1000 starting next year.

Senator Salling- Thank you for the opportunity he apologized for not making it here before. Concerned about our County. likes seeing people caring about schools, businesses, kids, and joblessness. he has visited 26 out of 30 schools in Baltimore County. Wants to know how their doing. Lots of issues in curriculum and bullying. Teachers are being mistreated spit at, bit, having chairs thrown at them. We need to focus on accountability. Breaking guidelines. No balance with Board of Education. Kids Do bad things  get sent to the office with no punishment.

Landfill does not take paint anymore. Have to take it to the Warren Road site in Cockeysville. Salling states that Dundalk is more deprived than any other parts I don’t get it We want legal way to recycle our paint. Working with companies on finding a solution.

Senator salling trying to pass a new bill through Senate and house for certification in any skill or trade with job and school training. Trying to make it more accessible to get the skills we need. Trade point Atlantic promised that jobs would stay local. 2 bus lines used to run bringing one line back working on infrastructure bridges and Throughways. For the jobs that trade point promised they are going to need welders, cutters, fitters, burners, electricians. Good jobs bring home owners which makes the community better. (in time)

Delegates and senators for vets. Businesses need to come here and help our community and kids. He  Takes the job very personally especially when it comes to caring for kids seniors and vets. We need to bring back the middle class they are a gem for the community. Baltimore County has 11 new principals in these local schools. That’s 11 out of 33. The Baltimore County Superintendent is a temporary when we need a permanent one. They have more money in the City Schools but they have less than a fifth grade reading level. These kids are failing. Mr. Salling is ashamed of the Common Core math that was implemented and said that the University of Maryland should be ashamed of themselves. My downfall in the school system is all of the testing and the lack of accountability.

Meeting ends at 8:06 PM.

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.