Meeting Minutes 12/5/2017

Meeting starts at 7 PM with the Pledge of allegiance.

Officer Addair gives her report. 72 reports in our area. Officers recommend that we lock our car doors and keep an eye out for a package theft.

There was a 6 car accident on Merritt Boulevard at Westfield Road. We should request that traffic and engineering come and do a study on accidents there.

Lund Lane the hole was filled in by Buzzy Stockman.  A special thank you to Buzzy for his hard work!!!

Sludge dumping at Lund and Searles rd. Crandall’s office said they had permission to dump from state highway administration. The dumping has been going in for a few months now. Trying to get to the bottom of it.

Barry- reports good news for Ives lane Alley. Baltimore County will re- pave 60 feet of it. And the wall will be inspected this week.
Salvos was asked about the lighting again. They said they would talk to the owner.

Still working on the no soliciting community with David Patro.

The Police Department is cleaning up the junk cars on our street.

Vesper Avenue Church held a Alcoholics Anonymous or narcotics anonymous meeting on Halloween. Neighbors in the neighborhood were raising concerns about people loitering outside of the church. Especially being around all the children on that day it was bad Timing and poor judgment in scheduling.

Rat eradication is scheduled for December 11th.

January 2018 we will not have a meeting. Will be using January as our by month because it’s the coldest month of the year.

Goals for 2018 expand the NHCA membership, expand the COP, Get a P.O. box for our community Association, or easy Postal box.

April 7th we are hosting our community clean up. We want to look into getting shirts made for that.

Captain Lily said crime with the lowest on National Night Out lower than any other time of the year. So if we can keep people out and about it would help lower crime.

John Melzer in his cleaning efforts within our communities goes to the dump on Wednesdays. Offered to pick up any items dumped randomly said to just give him a call. *god bless you John and all of your hard work we truly appreciate it!!!!

Officer Addair requested communities add their security cameras to:

The county can use this as a tool to help solve crimes and pinpoint locations of crimes in our area.

Meeting ends at 8:01 PM.

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.