Meeting Minutes 4/3/18

Meeting starts at 7:01 with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Officer Addair gives her report Salvo’s and Quest Diagnostics have been sent a letter on letter head. 486 calls for march, 52 reports, 55 traffic stops, 26 officers sent to do school crossings, 2 Destruction of property, 1 overdose, 1 narcotics, 4 auto theft, 5 burglaries.

Mike Yancura, a new treasurer voted in. Treasury report is $1511.23. $646.14 must be returned as part of the C.O.P. grant.

Barry states on Ives lane and Westfield Road. There are commercial cars, we cannot do anything. Advertising a business or not. Anything over 10,000 pounds is illegal. Anything under his legal. Cintas trucks are legal. Officer Addair can run any tag to find out the weight of a vehicle. Code season is just beginning more complaints this month, then last month  especially dog waste in the back yards. No word on Ives Lane Alley. Sheila and mikes friend Phil is in code. He may be able to help us.

Merritt Boulevard and Westfield Road accidents. State Road-not a County road. State says it will take 90 days to do this study. April 17th. We should have a word on what is being done. The light sensor at Holabird and Searles road is broken. We have emailed them multiple times. There’s no word yet. Mike Yancura to call traffic in engineering about the traffic camera.

As far as the no soliciting for our community. There is no change. We need special permit signs to put in the ground, it’s a very bureaucratic process. No place to put our own signage. If someone is soliciting they would have to have a permit sunrise to sunset.

David Rader went to Towson to protest the Sparrows Point Country States. They said an amazing amount of community input was considered in this process, but they did not mention the petition that Richard Davis took in his community protesting this development. It is a PUD development. Which means that there is a community benefit that supposed to be given to local communities but they forgot a lot of local people.they also forgot to mention the traffic that it would add to our already over Crowded streets, they did not donate any money to the volunteer firefighters or the Police Department in our local community. Nor did they mention the overcrowding in the schools that we have already. and where are they gonna put the children that are gonna be living in the 320 plus houses that they are about to build! They did, however, give money to Todds Inheritance, which is state owned building. They also forgot to mention the environmental issues that building on this property is going to have on our community. Our friend Russell Donnelly has worked for 30 or 40 years with Chesapeake Bay restoration and the Critical Area Boundaries protecting the environment from the hazards left behind from the steel mill among waste from other sources. Those toxins are in the land and water that this development will be stirring up.

This PUD has also donated money to Patapsco High School for their athletic field to be Astro turf. We called the athletic director at Patapsco and he said he will not bar people from using the field; like Dundalk high school did after they rebuilt. You must pay Park & Rec for usage.

We do have welcome packets for new neighbors in our community. If you need one please reach out and let us know. We will gladly get one to you. Our community clean up is April 7th at 1 PM. Ives lane is in major need of cleaning the alley has a lot of debris and broken concrete from a remodel. ( A special tank you to John Melzer for cleaning that up!) A House on Ives Lane sold for $150,000 and it’s not an end of row.

There was a fish study done by the Maryland Department of environment that recommends we do not eat many of the fish that come out of the Bay.

Tradepoint Atlantic’s plan to dredge is building opposition who are making sure they do things properly and safely with all of the pollution and health hazards under control. Paid experts and volunteer experts have 2 different opinions on this study. We asked for the blessing to write a letter for environmentally friendly support and it was unanimous.

Barry is representing us on April 9th at the PCRC meeting for NHCA he represents our area and will update us on topics he learns about while there.

We would like to welcome Ed and Diane our new faces.

For National Night Out Officer Addair requested Donuts. She will be there for a half an hour to 45 minutes this year.

Meeting ends at 8:04 PM.

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.