Meeting Minutes 5/5/18

7:00 pm meeting starts with the pledge of allegiance followed by a moment of silence for officer Amy Caprio.

Read crime stats for officer Addair

Mike Yancura gave treasury report $1605.66. $646.14 must be returned as part of the C.O.P. grant.

+ $40 deposit =$1645.66

Hotdogs for national night out August 7th

Barry Sayer-  reports that code enforcement is ignoring his submissions

Was stated that sparrows point estates reduced the # of houses being built from 350 to 307. But still has to do study for traffic issues. Richard David lives in community across from the development started a petition to boycott SPCC estates development. Children from development are slated to go to sparrows point high school which is already 130% over capacity. Many of our schools in Baltimore county have trailers on their properties.

Asked the room who wanted this development and it was unanimous decision no one wanted it.

There was a talk of doing a petitions to get our roads repaved.

A new member brought up people doing traffic violations on Rita, Leslie, and birch roads running stop signs and flying down the streets. Safety hazard for kids walking to and from school!

Lottery and Casino $ not going to school system like we voted for last election

Bethlehem is becoming infested with prostitution. Lots of dirt bikes riders in our area, squeegee boys at German hill and Merritt, as well as Dundalk avenue.

Meeting ends @ 8:00 pm

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.