Meeting Minutes 5/7/19

Meeting starts at 7 p.m. at the pledge of allegiance.

Officer Wakefield gives his report. from April 3rd to May 7th there were 317 calls to service, 63 reports, one Grand theft Auto, 6 theft from vehicles, 3 fourth degree burglaries, one stolen dog, two robberies, two armed at railway inn. One purse theft, 25 traffic stops, 72 checks of locations.

Sheila’s few things..the community cleanup Manor alley Jack tore down his shed, cleaned up yard, and fixing up his property! so yay!!! and then there was something reported about eight people living on a house on holabird avenue. County came out 2 times.

We would like to have traffic and engineering put a speed camera at holabird and Searles road. Barry said he would like to invite Bill galeazzo to a meeting coming up general vote was approved for the invite.

Speed bumps on Rita road: traffic and engineering responded with a letter denying speed bump process. Kathy called and left a message waiting for a call back. Leslie and Rita road have no sidewalks, and there are no sidewalks from Delvale to rita place making it dangerous for children to walk to school.

Ledo’s fundraiser is May 13th, will post it at local businesses. we had a successful clean up!! Thank you all for the help! And making our community clean and beautiful!

Meeting ends at 7:52 p.m.

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.