Meeting Minutes 4/4/2017

Attendance- Barry Sayer, Dawn and Dave Rader, Aiden and amaya, Sheila and Michael Yancura, Frank Ayers, Mary Lambert, Barbara Shell, Hazel Smith, Buzzy, and Kathy Stockman. Karen Lydick, Mike Belzner, Luther and Stephanie Tate.

Meeting starts at 7:00pm with the pledge of allegiance.

Officer Addair gives her report.
Car thefts in area urges people to not leave keys in car or spares on car.

Lieutenant Scherba is the acting captain while captain Lilly is on assignment.

Report stolen bikes to 911.

Talking about having a block party for national night out. In the alley of Westfield rd. The odd side behind Herman’s and Salvos. Permits are being filled out and submitted for the event.

Taxes were filed for past 2 years. After our association switched so many hands. We finally got it taken care of.

Barry reported there were 46 write up for code enforcement. Spring is showing . Grass is getting high. Cut your grass. Keep lids on trash cans. And clean up dog mess!!

Knights of Columbus are hosting an event on September 11th 11:30-5pm with food and drinks to thank first responders for their service to our community.

Community yard sale is May 6th with a rain date of May 7th. Is advertised in the Dundalk eagle so far streets involved will be Westfield rd, Searles rd, Ives lane, Alvah, Vesper, and Roberts ave.

Michael Yancura states that there is a hole in alley on Lund lane. We need to find out who owns the property to see who is responsible for fixing it.

Water bills are noticeably higher. New digital system was put in. Extremely long hold time for callers.

Regular visitor, Ms. Lydick asked for a treasury report. The Sargent at Arms said there will be no treasury report, but the president said there would be a treasury report. Ms. Lydick left abruptly.

Report from treasurer was given 3-31-2017 ending balance of 1225.31. Just made a $50 deposit making balance 1275.31.

Meeting ended at 7:55pm

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A great American community organization for Dundalk and the Southeastern area of Baltimore County, Maryland.